3 Misconceptions About Developing Your Executive Presence

Reading Time: 2 mins

How do you develop your authentic executive presence (EP)? It's a question that comes up often from leaders. Here's some food for thought to build your EP and become a more effective and authentic communicator / presenter: 
What if your view of authenticity is getting in the way of expressing your authentic executive presence? Here are 3 common misconceptions that might be getting in your way:


"Executive presence is reserved for a few people with confidence, composure, or charisma. I'm not charismatic. So, I need to work on my authentic executive presence."

"I'm worried about being judged or coming off as inauthentic. I'm known as the 'data-centric leader,' the 'process leader,' or.... Insert an identity you might be known for." 

"I'm concerned about trying something different or showing up differently. I'm used to presenting my ideas in a specific way. I get straight to the point or I go through my slides and I am done presenting. Telling a story isn't my style."



"Authenticity isn't just about staying true to yourself, saying what you mean, or staying true to your values," says Herminia Ibarra, Charles Handy Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the London Business School.


In her TED Ideas article, Herminia coined the term, "the authenticity paradox to describe when you find yourself facing a choice between being yourself or doing what it takes to be effective. You need to pick one or the other. Authenticity is about trying something new and a lifelong journey of learning about yourself." 

Developing your authentic executive presence begins with adopting a growth mindset. It's about tailoring your message to your audience, and showing up in a way that best serves your audience and the bigger picture of what you're trying to accomplish.

For example, if you have only 5 minutes to present to decision makers (your board of directors, City Council, or funder), adopt the no-slide approach. Focus less on all the things you want to say. Focus on what matters to them. Speak their language. That's authentic presence. 
One of the key principles of effective communication is to know your audience and adapt your message accordingly. So, when faced with the decision to show up with your authentic self, stretch beyond your comfort zone. Choose a growth mindset.



Looking to coach or train your leaders to develop their executive presence or speaking skills? Book a complimentary 20-minute call today.
Follow me on LinkedIn for more insights on communicating effectively, connecting authentically through storytelling, or how to bring your team or stakeholders together to align towards a common vision.

Precious Ile, MA, PMP, CEC

Precious has been speaking since the age of 10 to audiences of 200 - 1,000 plus people. As a TEDx and Keynote Speaker and experienced public speaking coach, she understands the art and science of communicating effectively and authentically. She has coached founders, CEOs, impact-driven entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders in communicating with confidence to deliver presentations that leave a lasting impact. 

Follow Precious on LinkedIn.


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