7 Effective Presentation Strategies to Nail Speaking on the Spot  

Reading Time: 3 mins

I was put on the spot.  
Multiple meetings in a row! 
I hadn't received advance notice to prepare for the impromptu presentations or project report backs.  
As a leader or executive, you've likely been in important meetings where you were asked to speak on the spot.  
You might be reflecting on your day and that important meeting where you had to present on the fly to key partners or a project sponsor.  
You recall the knot in your stomach or going blank, unsure of what to say right away.  
You needed time to organize your thoughts to avoid delivering the wrong message, in order to maintain your credibility as a leader. 
Here are 7 leadership communication tips to nail speaking on the spot. 
I used these proven tips to deliver clear, compelling messages in those moments and it worked!


1) Breathe.  
Literally, take a deep breath.  
Science shows that your nervous system shuts down when you perceive a threat or feel stressed.

To counter this response, take in some air to calm your nerves.


2) Pause. Embrace silence.  
Free yourself of the expectation or pressure to respond right away. Pause and reflect on what's being asked for in the moment.

Perhaps, it might not even be the right moment to respond.  
During a recent meeting, I paused and held the space for 5 seconds.  
I got comfortable with silence. 
Naturally, the moderator filled the silence by reframing their question.


3) Lead with questions. 
Before you speak, ask more questions to get clarity.

For example, I might ask one of these 3 questions:

  • What about x topic would be most useful for you to learn more about right now?

  • What key points would you like me to cover or would help advance our meeting goals?

  • What have others contributed to the topic, so that I can build on it?

I used this third question in a meeting. It got a good laugh from the group because it was an unexpected comeback when I joined a Zoom call and was put on the spot immediately.


4) Listen for keywords.  
Write down the keywords that suggest the key objectives or desired outcomes/results.


5) Ask for time to gather your thoughts.  

Alternatively, have the meeting moderator or facilitator come back to you.

One of my go-to lines:  
"May I have 60 seconds to gather my thoughts? I'd like to ensure I'm addressing your questions appropriately."

By asking for time to think, you control the narrative without being backed up in a corner.  


6) Share your thoughts.  
Weave the keywords you heard into your presentation.


7) Invite feedback or questions for clarification.  
You may have missed key points and that's okay. Give yourself some grace. Breathe. Invite questions to address these points.

Do not react. Respond. By responding in a composed manner, you communicate with clarity, confidence, and impact.



Which of these communication tips have you used as a leader?  
Which presentation tips have worked for you?  Share with a colleague.  

If you are a leader looking to take your public speaking or communication skills to the next level, reach out. Let’s explore how I can best serve you. Book a complimentary 20-minute coaching call today.

Precious Ile, MA, PMP, CEC

Precious has been speaking since the age of 10 to audiences of 200 - 1,000 plus people. As a TEDx and Keynote Speaker and experienced public speaking coach, she understands the art and science of communicating effectively and authentically. She has coached founders, CEOs, impact-driven entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders in communicating with confidence to deliver presentations that leave a lasting impact. 

Follow Precious on LinkedIn.


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